Next Generation Technologies

Next Generation Technologies

AquAffirm is developing innovative low-cost digital sensors for rapid measurement of two of the world’s most debilitating naturally-occurring drinking-water contaminants, namely arsenic, antibiotics, PFAS/”Forever Chemicals” and fluoride.

Together with its sophisticated mapping software and data analytics, AquAffirm has reimagined the way these contaminants, which affect hundreds-of-millions worldwide, are measured and monitored.

Water Sensing

AquAffirm’s digital team has developed the GIS-enabled AquaFORM™ platform, a bespoke SaaS solution designed to support the planning, mapping, design, and optimization of water infrastructure assets and related projects.

Water Software

AquAffirm’s consultancy arm, Bio Nano Consulting, has a 17-year track record of providing innovation consulting, project management and product development support to some of the world’s leading companies in a range of sectors.

With a network of experts to call upon, Bio Nano Consulting has garnered a well-earned reputation as a leader in its field, operating in particular at the interface of bio, nano and digital-technologies.
